Mauritanian Musician
Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, Pianist, Bassist
Mauritanian songwriter and singer, Madani has been passionate about art and social affairs since his adolescence, spent in Nouadhibou. Invested for more than 10 years in the field of music, he has always made a point of promoting intercultural dialogue and the mixing of genres.

In 2018, for his creations, he was inspired by the concept “ndiakhasse” (“mixture” in Wolof). The music he composes and the lyrics he writes take root there. This is how after 6 years of Rap / Hip-Hop composition, his musical style evolved in 2012 towards Reggae then towards Blues-Reggae. This musical eclecticism combines African blues and reggae, thanks to the use of traditional Fulani instruments from Mauritania such as Hodu and Buba, fused with classic blues and reggae rhythms. Constantly evolving and experimenting, he is a multi-instrumentalist (guitar, piano and bass), but it is through singing that he expresses with humility and determination his sensitivity to the social issues that affect him. In 2020, his EP Malu reinforces this determination with positivity and spirituality.
Madani strives to bring together his stories using all the senses. He aspires to create art that transcends sound, and to make his voice tangible audibly, visually, and spiritually. In his music videos, he illustrates the elements of the desert and his home country, and pairs this imagery with his music in order to make an ethereal connection with his audience.